Technology Programmes

Introduction to Computer Programming and Computer Coding (GICO200)


No prior experience with programming is required. You will need to be comfortable with basic computer skills, such as managing files, running programs, and using a web browser to navigate the Internet.

You will need to be self-driven and genuinely interested in the subject. No matter how well structured the program is, any attempt to learn programming will involve many hours of studying, practice, and experimentation. Success in this program requires meeting the deadlines set for your cohort and devoting at least 8 hours per week to your work. This requires some tenacity, and it is especially difficult to do if you don’t find the subject interesting or aren’t willing to play around and tinker with your code—so drive, curiosity, and an adventurous attitude are highly recommended!

You will need to be able to communicate fluently and professionally in written and spoken English.
  • Course Preambule
  • Importance of Computer Coding and Programming
  • Some Benefits to Become a Programmer?
  • Commun Computer Engineering Terms
  • course syllabus: computer coding in theory
  • Introduction to computers and Programming notes.pdf
  • Concepts of Computer Programming Languages
  • Computer Programming vs Computer Coding
  • Computer Programming Methodology (Part 1)
  • course syllabus: computer coding language in practice
  • Course 1: Intro to HTML
  • Course 2: Intro to CSS
  • Course 3: Intro to Python
  • Course 4: Intro to JavaScript
  • Extracurricular
  • Benefits to become a computer programmer
  • Introduction to computers and Programming notes.pptx
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed